Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 22 de Outubro de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The last leaf

The American writer William Sidney Porter tells the story of two young painters who went to live in New York.

The cold of December arrived with a serious epidemic of flu and Joana was bedridden. Despite medical care and that of her friend Suzana, she would not get better.

She did not react. She lay on her bed, staring at the white wall of the building across the street.

When Suzana said that the fever had gone and that in two days they would be able to travel to Florida, to fully recover, Joana replied, discouraged:

Three days ago there were almost a hundred leaves on vine that climbs that wall. I have been counting. Today there are only nineteen. When the last leaf falls, I will die.

Her friend tried to dissuade her from this idea. After all, what relationship could there be between the old leaves of a vine and the recovery of health?

And she ordered: Stop looking out that window. Promise me.

Ok, the diseased woman said, with the certain that she would not keep her promise.

Downstairs, there lived an eighty-year-old man. His name was Bernardo. A painter who was frustrated at never having managed to produce a valuable, he considered himself the protector of the two young artists.

Having a tumor in his lungs, he did not want to be hospitalized for treatment.

Suzana told him that she was afraid that Joana would leave soon because she had convinced herself that when the last leaf from the vine fell, she would die.

That night, a light, persistent rain fell. Suzana did not even have the courage to look out the window.

But the next day, she woke up with her friend shaking her euphorically:

Come and see. Even with the rain and wind, a leaf is still hanging on the vine.

It is a sign, Joana shouted. God is holding the leaf so that I will not die. I am going to live. God wants me to live.

In the following days, the leaf remained still. The fever and cough disappeared. They would be able to travel.

Before leaving, Suzana arranged for Bernardo´s hospitalization, as his condition had gotten worse.

They spent fifteen wonderful days in the sun and heat of Florida. When they returned, they were told that their painter friend had passed away.

Joana was heading herself to the apartment and wondering: Will I still see the vine leaf?

Of curse you will, Suzana replied.

It is important for you to know that when Bernardo found out that you had decided that you would die when the last leaf fell from the vine, he braved faced the cold and rain of the night and painted the leaf on the wall of the building opposite your window.

It was the masterpiece of his life.

The friends hugged each other, moved and grateful. That man might have even worsened his own health by sacrificing himself for the young woman.

*   *   *

This story tells us how much our mind influences our health.

It also tells us about a friendship that borders on sacrifice for the sake of others.

And it tells us that there is always something we can offer someone. Sometimes, when we face serious problems, we say: What can I do?

We do not even realize that a hug, a moving story, a comforting song, or a painting on the wall can be, as they say, a holy and effective remedy.

How about we give it a try?

  Spiritist Moment Team, based on the article Jesus,
the divine doctor, from Sidney Fernander, from the
Reformador, year 141, number 2337,
 December of 2023.
FEB Publisher.
October 11.2024.

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