Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 22 de Outubro de 2024
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ícone One small step

One small step. Everything starts with one small step.

From liberation from hatred to the conquest of space, everything begins with a first initiative, from an initial effort, from a small manifestation of will towards a greater purpose.

Will and not wish because, most of times, our I would like or I wish to is nothing more than a passing desire, a delayed wanting, that invades us in a moment e then disappears, shyly.

We look at virtuous people and say: I would like to be like them!

We admire the Exponents, we contemplate good souls, and, in a mixture of regret and envy, we say: Who knows, one day...

Every virtuoso started with a first step. Every genius was once someone who struggled with their incompetence and, dissatisfied, kept trying until they achieved the first results.

 The famous phrase uttered by astronaut Neil Armstrong, upon stepping on the surface of the moon, gained a special touch when, decades later, it was reanalyzed.

Researchers, listening to the original audios, with state-of-the-art programs, found the article a before the word man.

So, the original saying would become: One small step for a man, one big step for Humanity.

Armstrong talks about his step, which also symbolized that of many who had worked for him to be there. However, he highlighted the importance of that footprint.

Let us see how much each step can mean, without even knowing it at that exact moment.

We may be making a movement, right now, a brief initiative, without realizing it, but one that will have very important consequences for our future.

If we think as the Immortal Spirits that we are, as beings who cross eras and eras living educational experiences, each small step is a sowing.

Let us not think, perhaps, about harvesting tomorrow. Let us not think, perhaps, of harvesting in this life. Some results come later. However, nothing that is planted in the path of good and progress is lost.

Let us avoid expressions like: I cannot. I do not have the skills. Or, It is too late for me.

They are dangerous decrees that the mind learns and accepts. The process of releasing these paralyzing contents is very laborious.

Let us replace it with: I have not learned it yet, but I will learn it. I am learning. Or, Slowly, little by little I will get there.

The brain needs to understand that we are improving souls, that we are Spirits in constant evolution.

Inertia is death. Stagnation is illness.

Let us put this powerful strength of the soul, which is the will, to guide our life. Let us take initiatives at all times, even if seemingly insignificant.

Forgiving someone for something that really hurt us can start with saying: I still cannot do it. Yes, still, for I need to work on certain content in myself to achieve it.

We exchange never for yet.

One small step. Each day is a small step if we set out to observe ourselves, to improve ourselves, to not let ourselves be carried away by the destructive discouragement.

One small step that will take us far.

One small step.

Spiritist Moment Team
August 26, 2024.


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