Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 22 de Outubro de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone They do not realize

They do not realize

That we follow them with our eyes

As they become small from our sight

And big to the world.


They do not realize

How amazed we are with this process of having once been giants,

That now we contemplate them as if gazing at mountains.


They do not notice

That seeking similarities in their features is, at times, searching for parts of ourselves.

Inner boys and girls wanting to play again.


They do not know

That, if we could, we would carry them in our arms a little longer.


But nature is wise.

And our backs become weak

And their legs become strong.

They need to walk.


They do not realize

That we gave them part of their life once,

And that now we are willing to give them ours in full.



We do not need them to notice, see or even recognize.

Love feeds on itself.

*   *   *

This nuance of the great love, which brings a thousand colors to the hearts of parents, is as beautiful as the most vibrant and slow sunset guided by God.

We have found a love that does not need retribution, that has no interests, a love that feeds on the joy of loving.

There will come a day when all our relationships will be like this.

We will stop going out there, in desperation, in search of being loved, of being completed, of filling a void that we cannot fill.

Love for others, selfless love, charity, will complete us without us realizing it and, furthermore, will come with a feeling of inner peace, of courage to face adversities and challenges.

If you can already love like this, even a little, even step by step, feel happy. These are the first steps. And what beautiful steps...

Realize how good it is to love. Do not expect anything in return, do not expect gratitude, do not expect recognition. This love of yours is much greater than that.

Love that gives because it receives is still a small love. Love that gives because it is in its own nature, because it makes you happy, is a great love.

Do not expect it from your children, do not expect it from your spouse, do not expect it from your friends... You can already count on the greatest of all loves: the Creator's and your own.

Of course it is good to be loved, of course we still need comfort, affection, support, in the moments when we are weak.

Well... The world is not made up only of ungrateful and insensitive people. There will be others just like you, willing to love, who will approach you through affinity, through similar principles and objectives.

So, love! Love releasing. Love involving. Love forgiving. Love understanding.

Love! And just as mud never offends the light, offense will no longer reach you.

Love, knowing that misery is the fruit of ignorance. Help the victims of this evil. How many brothers and sisters need your support and understanding.

Listen without anger. Observe without judgment. But always be willing to act, to do your part, however small it may be.

Remember: love feeds on itself. Therefore, you will never lack courage, vigor and the will to live.

Spiritist Moment Team, with transcription
The poem "Eles não percebem", by
 Andrey Cechelero.
August 19.2024

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