Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 22 de Outubro de 2024
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ícone Inexhaustible source

In a material world, with limited quantities, measured in litters and kilograms, it is natural to think that when you donate something, you end up with less than you had before.

Let´s imagine a box of chocolates, with twenty units, that we need to share among five members of our family.

Elementary school mathematics teaches children very well to get to know the result, that means, to know that, in this division, each member should receive four chocolates.

Let us imagine this same box having to be shared among a larger family, of ten people. Our logical thought soon concludes: each one will get less than in the first situation.

This kind of thought is understandable when we are in the sphere of things, of objects, which can be measured in units, kilograms, meters.

However, let us take this same thought to another dimension. To the dimension of love.

Let us suppose that love is our box of chocolates!

If we share this love with two or three people, they will receive a certain  amount. But if we share it with more and more people, each new love in our life will receive less every time.

Let us see how awkward the logic is in this case, because we are talking about something that can not be measured, talking about a feeling, that can not be put in a box, an envelop or in a vase.

Perhaps we can imagine that the love we have is in a kind of vase, one of those are valuable, made of porcelain.

We choose who to share this precious liquid because we have the impression that its quantity is limited.

The result will be the same: the more people there are, the less the liquid will be for each one.

Comparing these divisions with time, we realize that we would not have time for everyone! We would not be able to pay attention to so many.

These are signs that make it seem like our love has some kind of limitation.

When we think like this, we are using the logic of the box of chocolates or the vase with the liquid.

Now, let us imagine that, instead of the vase, the love we have comes from a source, that always flows, without stopping.

And the more we use this source, the stronger it flows! 

That changes everything, doesn´t it?

The ones of us who like chocolate may say: It is an endless box of chocolates! We can think that way, if we want.

In this case, sharing is multiplying. The law of love works this way. 

Parents who have many children could even find it difficult to have time, to share their attention, but they never have to love each one less.

Children and siblings who have grown up and formed new families, sharing their love with the figure of a husband, a wife or other children, do not stop loving their parents and siblings.

On the contrary: the new life experience teaches them to love more and value those who came before.

Just because we have many friends, it does not mean we love each one less. Having more friends makes us love each one of them better.

Therefore, let us not be afraid losing the love of our loved ones, when they find themselves on the path of learning to share.

Let us not allow jealousy to infect our hearts. It will only make us less receptive to the good that can reach us.

Love is an inexhaustible source. The more it is shared, the more it multiplies.

Spiritist Moment Team.
August 5.2024

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