Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Announced returns

When Mary first dreamed, she was impressed. She had dreamed of a girl with curly hair, very white skin, who must have been around six or seven years old.

She did not remember exactly what they had talked about, but the clear impression, when she woke up, was that the girl had come to announce she would be born at her home.

The family laughed, considering the organic impossibility of a pregnancy, at that point in life.

The weeks, with their appointments and tasks, passed and the fact was forgotten.

However, the dream was repeated, coated of greater intensity. Mary felt the real possibility of a daughter coming to compose her family universe.

Finally, when it was repeated for the third time, she assured her husband that they would adopt a child.

But, the everyday tasks made the subject fall into oblivion. Until the day that her daughter revealed her pregnancy, result of her relationship with the boyfriend.

Something not thought of, not idealized. It happened.

As Laura related everything, Mary concluded: This is how the girl from the dream was going to come back to her home.

The little girl was soon revealing impressive attitudes. In particular, a strong bond with the grandmother. 

A relationship, at the same time of affection and a certain distrust. Tiny girl, being sheltered on her grandmother´s lap was enough to stop the crying, the inquietude.

However, at the months passed, the girl revealed that she was experiencing something similar to a relationship of love and discreet grief.

In her relationship with the grandmother, she demonstrates somewhat unusual attitudes.

When she arrives from school, she enters the apartment calling for her, if she notices her absent. However, when they are together, she simply ignores her.

Every now and then the grandmother dares to ask: So, are you my friend?

The little girl looks at her, serious, as if the question makes her dive into something deep and striking. And she says categorically, turning her face to the other side: No.

And before the invite to become friends, she insists: No.

*    *    *

We are not together for the first time. Families are formed by affection, by commitments or challenges that we must face together.

Therefore, relationships are mixed with effusive expressions of love, sometimes a kind of indifference or suspicion.

Everything is related to past experiences, to moments when together we accomplished great things or not very dignified acts.

We return to retrace the path, rekindle old loves or to solve some issues.

Blessed return. Blessed be the reincarnation. Situation that is, many times, announced by the one who is getting ready to come back.

And even at young age, it is not uncommon to clear demonstrate, to those who love or who do not love, with whom there are pending adjustments.

These are the little ones who arrive to our homes, through their own motherhood and fatherhood ways; through thoughtful and effective adoption; or by indirect ways.

Somehow, they arrive to our lives.

It is these children, full of grace, who snatch our hearts, calling us grandpa, grandma, mommy, daddy or godmother.

Children of God! Children of our soul.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on}
a fact, narrated by Mary Ishiyama.
May 31.2022.

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