Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The flowers will come back

A soft melancholy sings a ballad. And this symphonic song of nostalgia, of longing, cheers us up.

Although the pandemic had stolen our spring, our hearts are blooming, because our flower season is in the intimate world, regardless the outside factors. 

We learned from Jesus Christ that the real joy is that which concerns the fullness of the spiritual world.

This spring nothing, no one can steal from us.

The pandemic passes and the flowers will once again perfume the bushes, the birds will sing again, the streams will murmur. And life in abundance will repeat the unforgettable song of gratitude.

*   *   *

Divaldo Pereira Franco, medium and spiritist speaker, finished with these beautiful words his lectures at Roteiro Europa, 2020 edition.

For the first time, without being physically present at the doctrinal activities, this soul of light fulfilled his mission in the online format. 

Divaldo used every opportunity to use his safe verb to calm the hearts of the world, so anxious on these days.

The speaker mentioned an excerpt from the piece Il capitano e il mozzo, by the Italian writer Alessandro Frezza, which describes the dialogue between a young man and the captain of a ship. 

The entire crew is retained on the ship, due to the quarantine, and the young man complains about the situation they are going through, in a tone of dismay.

He says the pandemic was causing him to lose too many things.

The captain, with all his experience of other quarantines, remembering another occasion when he was forced to remain on the vessel, explains:

Yes, that year I was deprived of spring, and much more, but I flourished nonetheless. I carried spring inside of me, and no one, ever, could take it away.

*   *   *

We are being deprived of springs outside. Many of us are deprived of the freedom to come and go. Many of us could not say goodbye to our loved ones, who left suddenly.

These are really, tough probations.

However, such experiences, when faced with awareness, make us very strong. They do the work of years and years of ordinary days.

May we understand that this is the world we inhabit, a world of proofs, of daily battles, of constant sacrifices.

Nobody promised us paradise here on Earth. Nobody told us it would be easy, but they assured us that we would be able to overcome it, to win.

The inner spring is a perfect analogy. Life has taught us that the seasons must be cultivated in the soul and not outside.

Let us turn our thoughts to ourselves. We have been invited to reflect on serious matters, far more important than the distractions that consumed all of our energies.

Let us not be frightened by the plague that reaches us. We are not helpless. We never were.

And, when everything is gone, we will look back and will get surprised with everything we have faced, with everything we have overcome.

Let us trust, the flowers will come back.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on an excerpt from a lecture
given by Divaldo Franco, at the end of Roteiro Europa
2020, on June 7, 2020 and a quote from the chronicle
O moço e o Capitão, by Alessandro Frezza.
June 17.2021.

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