Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 02 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Three orders fulfilled

That year, a big thud hit the young couple´s heart. Their son, who was just seven years old, left for the Spiritual world.

It had been exhausting months of care until the illness embraced him, undermining his physical life.

One year later, on vacation, they chose to visit Turkey. Among so many wonderful landscapes, a special visit to Ephesus, to the house of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

The stone building, on Mount Rouxinol receives around two million visitors yearly. The vast majority report intense emotions when entering the place.

It was no different with them. Hand in hand, they walked through those walls, remembering the greatness of the Spirit of Mary of Nazareth.

They remembered what they had read in works that reported about John having gone to Bethany to pick up Jesus’mother to come and live with him.

They remembered... remembered, while their hearts seemed united in prayer.  

At the exit, they sat on a small wall, contemplating what almost all the other pilgrims were doing: they wrote three requests on a piece of paper and placed the note between the stones of an extensive side wall.

Both stood there, watching, and said to each other: Why write on a paper what we want, if God knows what is going on in our intimacy?

Futhermore, they thought, how can we ask the Divinity for anything else? Our son is gone, but we are sure that he lives in the Spiritual world.

Our daughter is fine. We are healthy, have jobs. What else could we ask for?

In a silent prayer, they pleaded with the Supreme Father that, if they could receive more, by His will, then He would send them.

They returned to Brazil and, after ten days, Oswaldo received a phone call. It was from a town in the neighboring state.

It was a simple matter: three girls were there for adoption. Would he like to adopt them?

The number three came to his mind immediately. Three requests could have been made back there in Ephesus. They had left it up to God to decide if they deserved anything more.

Now, God was sending them three jewels to their home.

The Divine Father had heard their plea and answered it.

Between emotion and gratitude, he called his wife and together they fetched the three pearls that God had sent to their generous hearts.

Ten years have passed. The jewels have grown, developed and, repeatedly, between loving embraces, they tell the young couple how important their presence is in their lives.

*   *   *

God always listens to the requests we send to Him and answers them.

It is up to us to be attentive to the correct translation of what arrives.

In general, we do not know how to interpret the received answer. This is because our desire is for the request to be fulfilled exactly as we had conceived it, in every detail.

However, Divine Wisdom knows what is best for us. Today, it may be the negative answer, the postponement of what we ardently desire.

Or, maybe, something that we did not think about comes to bless our lives.

Let us think about it.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on
a fact reported by Oswaldo Feltrin.
April 27.2020.


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