Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone For the Peace of the world

The role of woman is immense in people´s lives. Sister, wife or mother, she is the great consoling and the loving counselor.

She has the future of humanity in her hands.

Through motherhood, she offers the world the citizens of today and tomorrow.

She is the one who supplies the barracks of soldiers, offers the intellectuals to the academies, gives the world the extraordinary men who make the great changes on the planet we live on.

History shows her, on different occasions, as the warrior, alongside the man she elects for her mate; or as the shrewd politician who interferes for the good of the people.

We remember our heroines Maria Quiteria, during the independence of our country;Anita Garibaldi, from the state of Santa Catarina, who served two countries.

We also find her as the intellectual, the artist, the efficient executive.

However, in all of these roles, the one that stands out the most certainly is that of mother. Wherever she is, she is the sweetness transformed into caring for her child.

It does not matter that they grow up, whether they are the idol of the masses or those who cause pain in the lives of others.

She always loves. And she suffers from the pains that plague them.

That is why her role in favor of peace is of so much importance.

Therefore, they get together and shout peace. Peace to their children. Peace to all men.

In October 2016, the Women Wage Peace Movement brought together Palestinian and Israeli women on a peace march to Jerusalem.

The event was television news. Hundreds of women united in one purpose, peace.

Why should we keep sending our children to war? What will become of our children and grandchildren if we do not end the war?

And their chant was repeated: From North to South, from West to East, listen to the prayer of the mothers. Bring the peace… Bring the peace…

Thrilled, one mother said: I would like to take this moment to congratulate the women of this Movement.

I want to thank them for defending peace, alongside our Palestinian sisters.

 I want to thank them and say that in the world we live in, peace is possible, when women of integrity and faith come together in defense of their children.

It is my hope that you continue to strive for peace in a constructive manner.

Thank you on behalf of the children of Israel.

Thank you on behalf of the Palestinian children.

And we say: Thank you for all the children in the world.

*    *    *

Someone once wrote that, when a woman discovers her extraordinary strength, the world will change.

And we are seeing it. While men prepare weapons, women march and shout for peace.

They want their children at home, safely growing up, going to school.

They wish happy children , running around the streets, chasing a ball or on running on a race, among a lot of laughter.

They want their children to live, to become good men and bless the world with their actions.

Women for peace. Mothers of the world. Let us unite our thinking with the same longings.

After all, we all want peace and a better world for the garden flowers of our lives that bloom in our homes.

Spirititst Moment Team.
December, 3.2019.


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