Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Examples change lives

They say that words convince, but the examples drag. That means, the examples always speak louder and have the power to change lives, to snatch people.

Scottish doctor and writer A. J. Cronin says, on a loose page in the international press, entitled Because I believe in God, his personal experience.

A medical student at the University of Glasgow, during his youth, he was no different from his colleagues as to the irreverence in the belief in the Supreme Being.

When he thought of the word God, a mocking grin would appear on the lips, showing the disdain for this myth, worn out by time.

When he graduated and went to clinic, in the south of Wales, he met a young nurse, whose work caught his eyes.

She worked alone, in a daily fifteen-kilometer round, riding a bicycle, in order to attend her patients.

Her physiognomy revealed the features of a disposition, joviality and patience worthy of admiration.

Even after a rough day, if an urgent call arrived, she would return to her duty. And she was never too busy that she could not say a word of comfort and good cheer to those in need.

Her salary was derisory and barely met her basic needs. But, she did her job as if she were receiving the highest payment from the entire medical class.

One night, after a particularly laborious, tough day, doctor Cronin sat down by her side, to enjoy a cup of tea.

Watching her fatigue, the doctor asked: Nurse, why do not you demand that they pay you better? You should earn, at least, three times of what you make a week. You really deserve it.

There was silence for an instant. Then, she smiled and her gaze flashed brightly, startling the doctor.

Then, in a soft and modulated voice, she answered:

Doctor, if God knows I deserve it, that is all for me.

At that moment, Cronin understood that the whole existence of work, in which love for one’s neighbor stood out, was a clear attestation of her way of worshiping God.

He saw, in a flash, the richness of the significance of the young woman’s life. And, on the other hand, the inner emptiness existing in his own inner world, by the absence of belief in God.

That made him think and, after a while, when other facts aligned with the observation, he rose from the swamp of the skepticism to the solid ground of worship of God.

*    *    *

Yes, examples drag. They speak much louder to reason and heart than many words.

For this reason, the wise one of Nazareth summoned men to love, prescribing: Love one another.

And, to add As I have loved you, forsaken the stars, took over a body of flesh and came to live among His sheep, Heavenly Shepherd that He is.

For a little more than three decades, He lived His childhood, His youth and walked towards maturity, always serving, at home, in the carpentry of His father, in the world.

Finally, certain that we would follow His noble example, He said: My disciples will be known for much loving one another.

Let us think about it. Let us live and exemplify the wise exhortation.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on article
A lei de adoração, by José Couto Ferraz,
 from the
Revista Internacional de Espiritismo,
October 2016.
May 10.2019.

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