Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 06 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone When I love myself

When I love myself...

I turn on a light that brightens my forgotten basements, leaving behind the mistakes and defeats of past times, and I breathe again.

When I love myself...

I learn to look inward, discovering myself in a part as "power", partly as "possibility" – what I already am, what I will be; where I already am, where I want to be.

When I love myself...

I shelter myself like a mother shelters a wounded child: giving lap, leaning upon the crying, advising to remake the paths. Blame does not swallow me; defeat does not discourage me.

When I love myself...

I take care of the body, like the farmer cares for his shovel – instrument of work and loving life.

I also take care of the nutrition of the soul: what I choose to watch, what I choose to read, think and say.

When I love myself...

I see my soul as the sculpture under Michelangelo's marble, and I understand that the pain is going to chisel out a little here, a little there, until things become the beautiful David.

When I love myself...

I also light up your face, because all light is not guarded, there is no one to disguise, a lighthouse shining on a hill lifted in the air.

When I love myself...

I inspire your self-love, so you can love yourself and grow, as well as new flower, once bud, once seed, which has been a dream to flourish.

When I love myself...

I love you deeper, because knowing me, I know you better too. 

*   *   *

The proposal of Jesus around the love is the most beautiful psychotherapies that exist:

Loving God above all things and your neighbor as yourself, in a harmonic trilogy.

As we still have difficulty to conceive the absolute, to adjust the christed  proposition, we reverse the order of the commandment, loving ourselves in the beginning, in order to develop the skills that sleep in latency and accumulate bright values, throughout the days.

Thus, our great way of love needs to start with the self-love, because without loving yourself, the man cannot love his neighbor and nevertheless love the Creator.

We start the journey within us, because self-love calls for self-knowledge, asks for a deep dive inside of us.

Self-knowledge is the most effective practical means that we have to improve in this life and resist the attraction of evil.

And who works for this improvement is loving itself.

Every movement we make towards developing our skills, and to accumulate values that make us better people, is self-love.

Naturally, this love to ourselves lead us to our next.

First, because self-love is only built and lived in the meeting.

Second, because when we have a more mature love, more conscious, we love each other better.

Our relations harmonize, our hearts be at peace, our troubles disappear.

*   *   *

We can provide ourselves more moments of self meeting, with the goal of enhancing our self-love, which is the key to all our development in the Universe.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on the poemQuando me amo,
Andrey Cechelero and in the chapter 13, item
Amor de plenitude, from the book Amor, ImbatívelAmor,
by Joanna de Ângelis, psycographed  by Divaldo
Pereira Franco, publishing house LEAL.
May 25,2015.

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