Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 18 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Do fairies exist?

It all happened like this. She turned nine. A tooth fell, in the natural process and, as always, she left it in the location marked to be exchanged for a buck, by  the Tooth Fairy.

Well: when the mother was putting the money and taking the tooth, she found a letter and a very small pen, the ones that are used as keychain.

The letter, beetwen hearts drawn, said: Hi, fairy! I hope that you exist. Well, I think so. But I want the truth. If it is my father or my mother, I will accept it nicely. If it is the fairy, it will be better to sign with this small pen.

At the end of the letter, there was the option to be checked: Existence - Yes - No.

And, very large, between more hearts drawn: I believe in you!

Luciana panicked. How to respond to a letter like these?

She showed it to her husband who read, laughed and said: This is with you! Manage it your own. I do not have the slightest idea of how to answer.

She decided to get advice with the grandparents of the child. Mariza and Maneco read with attention, they laughed, discussed ideas and, finaly, Luciana had a way to reply to her daughter.

Existence: Yes and No. Signed: Mom Fairy and Daddy Goblin.

Ha! You got us. You are really very clever. You asked for the truth and the truth is that I believe in fairies, in do believe in elves, mermaids and all magic that makes our life more colorful and charming.

Grandma even says that witches exist. I believe. Do you?

 And there were two options - Yes. No.

Then, turning the page, the parent still wrote: You do not see God. But He does exist.

You do not see the love. But it exists!

If you can feel it, then... it exists.

The next day, Marina arrived in the kitchen for breakfast, with a beautiful smile. The mom was relieved, when heard she saying, handling the letter:

Ha! I really got you!!!

When Luciana opened the letter, she saw that the daughter had marked a beautiful YES. And well marked.Those you pass the pen over several times to highlight.

*   *   *

This fact shows us how to keep the magic in life, telling the truth.

After all, it all depends on the way in which it is argued, it is explained and spoken.

Children go through a magical period in which everything has to do with the unreal, the make-believe. The imagination is fertile.

Possibly, because as immortal Spirits, newly coming from the true homeland, the spiritual world, they keep this information that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.

Angels of guard, familiar Spirits, Spirits friends who surround us are interpreted by the child as these beings that the legends, tales and popular imagination have called fairies, imps, special beings.

After all, they are not so far from the truth. Soon, when they understand  better, we will tell them about these beings that God sends to meet our needs, to support us in our mishaps and assist us in our jorney on Earth.

There is no harm in preserving the magic. There is no harm in feeding the own imagination of a child.

The important is to clarify, when needed, but teaching that the world in which we live and the Spirituality that surrounds us are more extraordinary than averything the human imagination could have designed.

After all, everything emanates from God and God is unsurpassed!


Spiritist Moment Team, based on a fact
related by Anna Suzy Goldschmidt.
June 30.2014.

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