Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 07 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Boxes of God

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed to have an encounter with God, and because He was very upset, God presented him with two boxes.

One was black colored, varnished and the other was gold in color, with a nice ribbon.

Put all your sorrows in the black box, recommended the good God. And the joys, save them in the golden box.

The man understood and, since that day, began to act in accordance with the Divine recommendation.

After some time, he was surprised because the golden box was heavier each day and the black one was as light as the night He won it from God.

Taken by curiosity, He opened the black box. He wanted to find out why it was so light, since almost every day he put there at least one little sadness.

Then, He saw. At the base of the box, there was a hole and through it all his sorrows vanished.

He then thought loudly, speaking with God:

Why, Father, you gave me a box with a hole and another with no leak?

The good Father replied promptly: My child, the gold box is for you to count your blessings. Therefore it is closed. The black box is for you to let go all your sorrows.

*   *   *

The popular proverb says that sorrows do not pay debts. It is true. More than that, to keep sorrows is extremely harmful to life.

Sadness is a bad counselor because blind the mental perception of who suffers its presence and disturbs his discernment.

The presence of sorrow produces suffering emotions that must be overcomed by renewal efforts, so that they do not become bitter feelings or disinterest in the physical existence.

In the harmonious concert of Creation everything invites to joy. Flora and fauna are marvelous structural poem praising the Creator.

Although, Earth is a planet of tests and atonement, it is also a school of green fields of infinite beauty, perfume in the air and cascades that burst crystals in the rocks.

In this set, only man is sad because he thinks and dissatisfaction, pride, selfishness, rebelliousness make it grim, lonely and bitter ...

But it is the very act of thinking that raises man to the splendor of the heavens and earth, water and air lightness, to thank the gift of life in the body, which enables him to evolve.

*   *   *

Sadness, when installed, spreads destruction, not deserving, therefore, being accepted in our lives.

Let's put it then always in the black bottomless box, not to save it from one day to another, or from morning to afternoon or night.

Let´s put, yes, every day, in the golden box of our existence, God´s blessings, remembering that just the act of being alive, reincarnated, should be joyous, due to the excellent occasions available to the Spirit to be fully happy.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on the legend of ignored
authorship and chapter 4, from the book
Perfis da vida, by the Spirit of
Guaracy Paraná Vieira, psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco,
ed. LEAL.
May 21.2013.


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