Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 25 de Abril de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The good ones are the majority


A national marketing campaign raised a beautiful and hopeful reality.

Scattered throughout the cities, several billboards revealed some very interesting statistics. Here are some:

For every person saying that everything will get worse, there are one hundred couples planning to have children.

For every corrupt person, there are eight thousand blood donors.

While some destroy the environment, 98% of the aluminum cans are recycled in Brazil.

For each military tank manufactured in the world, one hundred thirty-one thousand stuffed animals are made.

On the Internet, the word love has more results than the word fear.

For every wall in the world, there are two hundred thousand "welcome" carpets.

As a scientist draws a new weapon, there are a million mothers making chocolate cakes.

There are reasons to believe. The majority are good.

*   *   *

We are in need of such optimistic and positive views of our world.

Those wishing to see the world in panic and be presented with bad news - because they say these are the ones that sell - can no longer control our feelings.

We, as news and information consumers, must show that we wish to see also the good in the world, in life, and in people.

If we analyze the news, whether local or national, we will still see the dominance of bad news, as if the world were living in utter chaos.

Not so. Much good is being done at the same time that murders, accidents, and political crises occur.

Good is indeed being constructed in the world, even if pessimists and terrorists on call are saying otherwise or refusing to see.

What happens is that often the good ones are still shy and fearful. This prevents them from prevailing against the organized rioters.

Allan Kardec, in The Spirits' Book, poses the question in section 932:

Why do the bad ones usually have greater influence over the good ones in the world?

This is the answer that he obtained from the Spirits:

Due to the weakness of the good ones. The bad ones are intriguing and audacious, the good ones are shy. When the latter so wish, they will dominate.

Let us reflect on this last statement: When the latter so wish, they will dominate.

Let us reflect our role in this change. What can I do to take part in this peaceful and lasting domination of good on Earth?

Let our acts of love gain the world and show the darkness that its days of dominance are numbered.

Let the sun of the new era shine. The time of love has finally come.

Let us be part of this transformation of happiness that will cover the world. Let us love more. Let us be more proactive. Let us smile more.


Spiritist Moment Team with quote from question 932 of The Spirits' Book,
by Allan Kardec. Publishing house: Feb.
March 14.2012.

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