Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 12 de Maio de 2024
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ícone On the existence of monsters

Daddy, are there monsters?

Actually, no, my son, they do not exist. Monsters are just people who are so sad and unhappy that they ended up being ugly. But it does not last. They always come back smiling.

*   *   *

In a society where we learned to call criminals monsters and where hate is nurtured against those who have committed crimes, some reflections are necessary.

The father's explanation to his infant son on the existence of monsters makes us understand that no one is evil by nature.

In God's Creation there is no being, law or anything that is in itself bad or destined to be bad.

Evil is not intrinsic to the individual, it is not part of the intimate nature of the Spirit; it is rather an anomaly, just like the diseases.

The good, such as health, is the natural state; this condition is inherently and viscerally in the Spirit.

A sick body is a case of imbalance, and so is a devious, rebellious, drug addict, or criminal Spirit.

Evil is built by us, by our pain, anger and incomprehension.

These are the poisons that we give ourselves and turn us into monstrosities.

Thus, while there is hatred in our soul, while revolt is louder than common sense or love, we will still be disguised as monsters. Soul sick.

This hatred may have its source in a broken home or a home that never existed.

It may originate from trauma, or from great evil suffered at some point, which made this creature break away from society and disbelieve love and life.

Sometimes it takes incarnations after incarnations for the scary mask to fall and the true form of the immortal Spirit in search of light to re-emerge.

God who is all goodness, put the medicine by the evil side, that is, He made it in a way that the remedy comes out of the same evil that it is designed to heal.

A moment arrives in which an excess of moral evil becomes intolerable and requires man to change his life.

Instructed by experience, he feels compelled to seek the remedy in the good, following his free will.

When he takes the right path, it is due to his own will and because he recognized the drawbacks of the other options.

The need therefore compells him to improve morally, to be happier, just as it compelled him to improve the material conditions of his existence.

*   *   *

The so-called monsters are deep inside souls like you and me, souls that seek happiness and were lost in their search.

Eliminating them from Earth does not solve the problem. If they were created in society and sometimes by society, it is our responsibility to provide rehabilitation.

It may take lifetimes, this is certain, but you must start somewhere and a good start is when we, who are a little more enlightened, wish these brothers well, instead of wishing them evil.

Evil they already have plenty; only good, when it touches the chords of the inner Spirit, can save them from suffering.

Monsters ... do not really exist.

Spiritist Moment Team.

August 08.2011.

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