Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 08 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Where art Thou, oh Lord, that will not answer ?

Thus the Brazilian poet Castro Alves begins his poem Voices from Africa. Here the African Continent mourns its children, being taken like animals to the slave markets.

Lord, oh Lord! Where art Thou that wilst not answer!

In which world, in which star dost Thou hide

Disguised in the skies?

Two thousand years ago did I send Thee my call

Which since then, in vain, crosses the infinity...

Where art Thou, oh Lord?            

Like the poet's verses, many voices were raised on September 11,2001, wondering where God was that day.

Why did He allow more than two thousand lives to be destroyed that morning?


One could also wonder where was God when we promoted World War I and II.

When we butchered six million Jews in the name of non-existent Arian superiority.

Or when we fought the Crusades, bringing death to those we labeled unfaithful?

What about the barbarisms of the Inquisition?

Every single day, where is God?

Where is God when we deceive our brother? When we lie to obtain the favors we covet?

When we dishonor our homes with adultery? When we terminate life in the mother's womb, because we do not want that child?

Where is God when we leave our children abandoned, without guidance, because we would rather not bother?

Where is God when we make use of our worldly power to hurt people and destroy the honor of others?

Where is God when we raise the banner of death penalty to our brothers? Or euthanasia's?

For all these questions, there is only one answer: God is within us, inside every creature.

Supremely wise, He created us all as equals, beginning just as simple and ignorant as everyone else.

He created worlds so we could work, use our strength and develop our moral and intellect.

He gave privileges to no one. All were granted free will and its consequences according to the Law of Cause and Effect.

He established that it will only be given according to each one deeds and that everybody should ultimately attain the same destination, no matter how long it takes: perfection.

He allows us to sow freely, but ascertains that reaping is mandatory.

So, some sow winds and reap whirlwinds. Others cast the seeds of good and kindness, and achieve happiness.

Some are sowing today. As many others are reaping the joys or disgraces they have cultivated in the past.

Knowing the frailties of His children, God awaits each one's awakening, in due time, tired of the pain brought upon oneself.

So do not ask where God is upon seeing unfairness.

Work for justice.

Do not wonder where God is upon witnessing violence. Cultivate peace.

Do not question where God is when misery abounds. Use your resources to spread wealth.

Finally, wherever you are, remember that God is within you and with you. And He expects you to be the bearer of His blessings, wherever you are.

Think about it. Think right now and start revealing to the world your inner God.

Spiritist Moment Team.
December 17, 2009.

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