Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The animals

They have been by our side since Humankind can remember.

They have served as nourishment, clothing, and footwear. They are faithful friends and do not charge for any of these many services.

We are talking about animals, these beings that are the preferred victims of our cruelty despite their high dedication towards us.

Every year millions of bulls, sheep, rabbits, and chickens are sacrificed to feed and dress us.

Carelessly we kill, remove their fur, extract their bones, incarcerate and cook them without thinking that these creatures without spiritual consciousness support our physical body.

The worst is not our indifference towards the fate of these animals. What is painful on human kind is the cruel treatment given to our fellow existence partners.

Whereas the option of eating meat is valid, the same cannot be said about the fur market and the thousands of animals sacrificed to satisfy man's luxury.

One norm should rule our lives: the line between necessity and superfluous.

One thing is to use animals to support one's body, making them our necessary nourishment. It's very different from killing them cruelly for pleasure in hunting parties that can only be amusing for the hunters themselves.

Equally abusive is to rip off animal fur only for the ostentation of coats and expensive clothes, not to mention the birds killed only for their colored feathers.

Poor animals whose only crime was having been created with beautiful feathers or soft fur...

Nowadays, it is not possible to remain silent to these excesses. The killing of animals to satisfy vanity is a crime we should not tolerate.

Fortunately, moral evolution is starting to impose itself. This is the reason why people and organizations increasingly worry about how animals are treated. The era of universal compassion is starting.

Yes, compassion with these little siblings of ours which are also God's creatures. To love them and to be thankful for them is the least we can expect from a sensible heart.

Animals are spiritual principles in evolution. They are learning just like us. The difference is that we are conscious of ourselves.

In us, human beings, there is a Spirit who thinks, acts, and has free will. In animals, the Spirit does not exist yet, but within thousands of years they will evolve because God does not do anything without a profound and serious purpose.

To finish this text, we have selected an extract from Appeal in favor of the animals.

You, who see light in these words that explain spiritual evolution, shall have compassion for the poor animals!

Be kind to them just like you wish God to surround you with love and affection!

Do not place birds in cages... Give up hunting parties... Give affection to your animals! Give them medicine when they are sick and lodge them when they are old!

Remember that animals are living beings that feel, think, and get tired. They have limited force, they get sick, and they get old....

Animals are your partners in this terrestrial existence! Like you, they came to evolve, study, and learn! Be their guarding angels... Be kind to them like our Father is kind to all of us.


Spiritist Moment Team, with excerpts from the book
Gênese da alma, by Cairbar Schutel, publishing house: O Clarim.
July 20.2009.

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