Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 26 de Abril de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Loving God

Do you love God?

Or are you just afraid of Him?

Still today we hear: “Be careful, God will punish you.”

Or maybe: “He is a God-fearing man.” Fearing means one who fears, who is afraid.

These phrases are not happy ones. And they are not true also. Why should we be afraid of God? If we keep the same concept of Moses, the biggest Hebrew legislator, in mind, we surely will fear divinity.

Because when he presented the idea of God to the men of his time, about four thousand years ago, he presented a jealous and revengeful God.

It was an unfair God, who punished a whole nation because of their leader’s errors.

It was a God of armies who presided over battles against other people’s gods.

It was a God who punished or gave rewards just for the sake of earthly benefits. Who made people believe that there was happiness in making other people into slaves.

But after Moses came Jesus. And one of the most important things in Christ’s revelation was how He presented God to us.

The Father who loves His children. Fair and good sovereignty. Full of gentleness and mercy.

The Father who forgives His children’s mistakes and provides each one of them accordingly to their deeds.

The Father Who forgives all creatures, Who spreads His protection over all His sons.

The God who tells His men: “The true homeland is not from this world.”

The merciful God who says: “Forgive the sins you wish to be forgiven for, do good instead of bad. Others will treat you as you treat them.”

The great God who watches the tiniest flick of thought of his sons and gives no importance to the way these sons honour Him.

He is not a God to be afraid of. He is a God to love.

Everything in His creation reveals His love to his sons. The universe is a poem of beauty and perfection.

Earth is prepared to the minimum detail to make men live and progress in it.

The seeds which reproduce according to their species and appease one’s hunger.

Rivers and lakes which give us the precious liquid.

The seasons and their qualities. The endless varieties of plants and animals.

A God who created simple and ignorant spirits and put them in their dwellings, their worlds, to progress, to acquire wisdom until they achieve perfection.

A God who loves.

Think about it.


God wishes your progress. God desires your well-being. He wants you to be the fruit of a healthy life, which stems from moral growth.

God desires your legitimated peace, after the yearnings of your heart have been calmed down, and after settling the debts of your conscience.

God wants your love, after overcoming the instabilities of your emotion.

God wants the best for you.

If you still have not found out how, be sure that everyday He concedes means to do all that, definitively. With no chance of losing.


Text written by the Spiritist Moment Team based on chapter 1, items 23 and 25 from the book “A gênese” by Allan Kardec, publishing House: Feb; chapter 21 from the book “Filho de Deus”, by the Spirit  Joanna de Ângelis, psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco, publishing House: Leal and on text pages 22/23 from the magazine “O espírita” October/December 1995, number 90. Translated by Huei Lin Allegretti.




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