Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 26 de Abril de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Good morning!

        A new period starts: a time when the Creator allows you to wake up and act on good will. It is therefore important to meditate about today's blessings, about the construction of the happiness and peace so much desired.

        Do not worry if it is a cloudy, stormy or rainy day; do not mind if it is cold or if the heat seems to punish you.

        Rise up, pray and thank God for opening the eyes of your physical body to a new day… This day is a chance of positive realizations, of personal progress for you.

        Do not get impatient if you realize that today you will have little or maybe no money for your basic necessities.

        Remember that you are healthy, and if you have a job, even if it is a simple one, remember that this is an opportunity God gives you to change your life.

        It doesn’t matter if it is collecting garbage, cleaning or weeding; maybe washing clothes or just carrying packages, whatever the job is, thank God, and always look ahead.

        Try not to get unhappy if this morning you woke up with a fever, maybe feeling weak or ill. You can keep lucidity, you are able to think and you can still act. If you can’t look after yourself alone, ask for help.

        Do not despise the prayer with what you may ask the Divine help to release you from your organic unbalance. Help will certainly come. Wait and act.

        However, you have in your hands the most valuable resources to be happy, according to your hardship as well as your merits.

        Do not give yourself to revolt, rancor, sorrow or dejection. Your day must be a beautiful day; your time must be blessed.

        During this day, try to be somebody’s friend, try to be reliable and helpful.

        During this day, free yourself from the viciousness to what you might be attached and try to be faithful only to virtue.

        During this day, grow up a bit more with Jesus Christ, so that you might have a good day everyday.

        Making an effort to live well everyday, you are preparing yourself for beautiful days with no clouds, no torments, and no night, which the Creator will offer to all of us after we surpass our time on Earth. He will teach us, with disposition and courage, with soul’s grandness.

*  *  *

        While you are able to hear or perceive the word today, either with your ears or just in thoughts, spend your time to register Divine suggestions and try to accomplish them in your own path.

Spiritist Moment Team based on chapter 31 of the book Nossas riquezas maiores by several Spirits, psycographed by J. Raul Teixeira, publishing house: Frater.
July 01 2008.

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