Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 01 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Prisons of the soul

        Do you consider yourself to be a free person?

        After all, what does being free mean?

        If we consider ourselves free only because we are not behind bars, then we could say we are free.

        But are we really?

        If you claim to be entirely free, but you get irritated when others want something; if you dress according to what the designers determine; if you hate when the circumstances ask you to do so; if you wear the brand that the society establishes as being the best, and you give in to many other psychological prisons, you can keep claiming that you are free, but you are still a prisoner of the soul.

        The truly free man is his own master, a master of his own actions and his will.

        Those who are free do not surrender to vices, or to improper social conventions, and never falls in traps set up for the careless ones.

        The true freedom is the freedom of the soul.

        Gandhi, in spite of being arrested many times, was a free man who knew how to fight for peace - for nobody could ever arrest his soul.

        Paul, the apostle, despite being thrown into a fetid and humid cell, remained serene and the master of his moral freedom.

        Men could forbid him to walk freely, but they never got to stop his freedom of thinking and feeling.

        When a man is free, he does not care about what people think and say about him, but only about the voice of his own conscience.

        Modern parents are not always willing to raise their children to be free. From childhood, they establish a series of situations that make their children think by someone else’s head.

        They do not let their children have experiences that are necessary for them to understand how to be free, and thus turn them into dependent beings.

        They depend on their mothers to choose the clothes and shoes they will wear, to make their bed, to put away their toys and sometimes even to do their homework.

        Yes, there are parents that do their children's homework.

        Thinking they are being useful, they are actually denying their children the opportunity of being truly free.

        Other parents make perfect copies of their TV idols out of their children. They will buy clothes, bags, shoes and other things that celebrities wear, as if they were healthy models to be followed.

        They do not realize that they are creating a negative conditioning, by not allowing their children to develop their own critical sense.

        It is important that we think seriously about this, looking for our moral freedom and helping our children conquer their own liberation.

        Pysical liberation by limiting their appetite, not allowing themselves to be ruled by their instincts.

        Intellectual liberation by the conquest of truth, always keeping an open mind.

        And moral liberation by the search of virtue.

        Until we learn how to govern ourselves wisely, we can not say that we are truly free.

* * *

        The limits to freedom are within each person's conscience, thus one can either generate a prison of shadow and pain or wings of light for perennial harmony.

Spiritist  Moment Team.
March 03 2008.

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