Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 20 de Setembro de 2024
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ícone Human Cruelty

        Famous French writer Voltaire once said, It takes twenty years for  man to go from the plant state he finds himself at his mom’s womb (and from his animal state, which is his primary infant condition) to the state where the maturity of reasoning begins to take place.

        He also said, Thirty centuries were necessary for man to know a little bit of his structure and it would take him eternity to get to know something about his soul. Nevertheless, it takes nothing but an instant to kill get himself killed.

        Naturally, Voltaire meant the death of the body.

        More and more precious human life is being neglected.

        Individually, people dedicate to the so-called extreme sports, which may compromise their entire existence.

        At the same time, we receive daily news from wars, massacres, and barbaries.

        In the 19th century, while Allan Kardec worked on The Spirits’Book uestioned the celestial voices the reason for the predominance of cruelty within some peoples’ characteristics.

        The answer he got was that material overcomes the Spirit among primitive peoples.

        Such peoples are led by their animal instincts and as they do not have any other needs besides the material ones, they dedicate only to their personal conservation.

        And that is what generally turns them into cruel beings. Apart from that, peoples of imperfect development are under the influence of Spirits just as imperfect, to whom they are sympathetic to.

        Consequently, they act under the command of such Spirits.

        Even in more advanced civilizations, there are such mean creatures too – like the savages – as there are pieces of fruit on a fully ripe and loaded tree that are still green. They are lost wolves among the lambs. 

        The Spirits however, advise us that Mankind evolves. Those dominated by the evil instinct that lie among men of goodwill will disappear little by little, just like the spoilt grain is set apart from the good ones.

        They will have to keep on reincarnating in new bodies to exercise perfection, so that they acquire new qualities.

        Today’s men, educators, parents and professors have the obligation to stimulate their noble feelings among the upcoming generations. They are to set dignifying examples in which life is taken as a very precious belonging to be neglected or destroyed in the name of any political, religious or private flag.

* * *

        Man holds all faculties in a latent state.

        They develop according to more or less favorable consitions.

        Thus, the moral sense exists within the savage as the scent principle in a flower that has not bloomed yet.

Spiritist Moment Team based on questions 752 a 756 from O livro dos Espíritos, from Allan Kardec. Published house: Feb,  and on Voltaire’s lessons taken from the book Um presente especial,  from  Roger Patrón Luján. Published House: Aquarian.
March 3 2008. 

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